A Message From Todmorden Town Deal Board – Thank You!

As we reach the end of 2024, we’d like to thank everyone who has engaged with the Programme and Projects this year. Whether this is by offering your feedback and comments to help shape the plans for our town or by joining in events, consultations and discussions online and in person, we very much appreciate the time, thought, care and challenge contributed by many residents, businesses and communities over the past twelve months.

The Vision For Todmorden

It’s fair to say 2024 has not been without its challenges, as you’d expect with any programme of this complexity, ambition and value. Dealing with the unexpected, issues that arise beyond our control is part of the Board’s role. But as we move into the exciting developments of the new year ahead, let’s remind ourselves of the bigger picture, the Vision that binds our Programme and keeps us all moving forward in Todmorden, the Todmorden of the future we are aiming for.

Bramsche Square event space in summertime. People sitting and walking through this area with the market canopy and stalls in the background.

Simply put, we all want a confident, safer market town where people and businesses can succeed in challenging times.

The Vision is for a greener town, where people have opportunities on the doorstep to live life well and realise their potential.

A place that is proud of its heritage and way of life, one that is known for its markets and small independent shops where profit stays local and supports our small producers. And for visitors, a go-to place for friendly businesses, cafes and restaurants with easy access to our exceptional countryside, healthy and fun activities to do, and a year-round calendar of events.

This is the Todmorden of the future we aim to help shape for our town. We hope you’ll continue to take part and make it happen!

Town Deal Investment Grows

The Board has always aimed for the £17.5M Town Deal to bring in more funding and partnership to our town. So, as we total this up at the end of 2024, we’re delighted to say that this strategy has brought in an additional just under £6M to Todmorden!

This includes Tod College raising £170K towards the transformation of its learning and community hub, The Hippodrome Theatre achieving £704.5K for its Raise the Roof project, Todmorden Town Council attracting £545K for the Centre Vale Park Projects and Calder Valley Community Land Trust successfully adding £267K to the pot for Fielden Hall, alongside a huge injection of £4.3M to support the affordable rented homes to be built by CVCLT in partnership with Connect homes, and adjacent to the Enterprise Centre at Ferney Lee.

Bramsche Square event space in summertime. People sitting and walking through this area with the market canopy and stalls in the background.

These achievements are thanks to the exceptional skill, determination and many, many hours of hard work of our Project Partners. Todmorden is rightly proud of its community activism and leadership, which has resulted in the significant further monies raised by these community-led organisations in times of continually rising costs.

Happy New Year when it comes…

We are a Board primarily made up of local people with relevant skills, experience and expertise who are passionate about our town. Our work is supported by our Accountable Body, Calderdale Council, and we thank them for their continued support.

Building on the steady progress this year, we are excited to move forward into 2025. We will continue to keep you updated with news and latest developments and wish everyone a safe and happy festive holiday season.

Thank you once again for taking part and we will be in touch again in the New Year.

This message was also sent out as an email to everyone who has requested to be kept up to date with latest news from the Town Deal Board.

If you would like to be kept informed of future developments of all the Projects and are not already on our mailing list then you can join us here.